Friday, December 27, 2019

January 2020 Release: Lost in Space

Lost in Space is a song written about an incident in my 20s, it's a story like all my songs. At school I was best mates with Peter Dunphy, who was a very talented film director, he was always with camera in hand and we became inseparable for a while. He was funny, always made me laugh, and we went to every gig possible, and enjoyed going to the pub on any night of the week. A good night out was one where we tried to figure out what had happened the night before.

On one particular occasion we bumped into each other early in the afternoon and went for a few pints which meant we had a liquid dinner.  Peter was writing a feature length film and had his notebooks with him containing all of his notes for the script/scenes and characters. Unfortunately, Peter mislaid this book over the course of our afternoon in Katy Dalys Pub, and, most likely, The Limelight afterwards. I remember him calling the next morning asking if I had the notebook .... unfortunately I didn't, but our drunkenness did inspire me to write this song: (click on the link to listen to it on Spofity) - if you don't have Spotify it is also on iTunes and all other streaming services.

Lost in Space  (Spotify Link)
Lost In Space - iTunes

When I moved to Jersey I asked a mate of mine to film the Music Video for it. We shot the music video in various locations in Jersey with some of Jersey's best actors, who belong to the Jersey Arts Centre. This studio version was a lot of fun recording in The Nerve Centre, Derry with Takehi Folumoritu on guitar, Paul Davies on harmonica and Terry Woods on drums, myself on vocals and bass. In the video Omar 'Blondie' Somar plays on Cajon with Alex Bealey on Slide.

There were various Live versions of this song over the years. I remember jamming this with The Loony Tunes Band - Matthew Romeril playing lead guitar, Adam Routier on bass guitar, Karl Everett on drums; it was the best version of this song, however, unfortunately we never recorded it - maybe one day!!

Lost in Space - Officlal Music Video

I hope you enjoy having a listen folks!!

Justin xx

Thursday, December 26, 2019

End of 2019

2019 .... a year that saw me touring in Germany, Switzerland, France, Ireland and the USA. I've met some great people, musicians and played in some incredible venues. Having spent a few months in the studio in 2018, I released the first song 'Beautiful You' in the summer of 2019. Beautiful You is a song inspired by how we see a deep love story. Love is a continuing journey that we experience on our various paths in life. Which is the right path? Do we trust ourselves on that path? At which point do we let our loved one see inside our soul? The good and the bad? How long does it take for your heart to mend? I asked a friend, Abby Churchill, a model from Marbella who I had previously worked with on quite a few fashion shoots, to be the cover for the single, and I am so pleased that she agreed to be on the cover. You can hear the single here:

Beautiful You on Spotify

Over the course of the year I spent some time in France. I lived in Lyon (quite a few years ago) and at the time I was playing bass for a touring trad folk band and in 2019, by pure chance I kept randomly bumping into Martin Drozd, a multi-instrumentalist - but a phenomenal violinist; who I had gigged with many years before.  As well as playing many instruments he also is a producer so when it came to recording my Christmas single 'The Flickering Candle' I was pleased to work with him in the studio. The result is exactly what I had heard when I originally wrote this song many years ago.

The Flickering Candle on Spotify

So now we look to 2020 .... what's it gonna bring musically? I'm going to be doing a solo theatre tour in the USA, where I'll be promoting songs from both albums 'The Lonely Stroll' and 'The Light Shines Through The Darkness'. I'll be releasing one single a month for the year of 2020. These songs will be across all streaming sites when released.

I'm very pleased to announce that I'll be working with a fantastic Denver based PR Company and we've got a great schedule planned for the year, and we'll be announcing quite a lot of exciting news over the course of 2020. Keep your eyes peeled.

Check in tomorrow afternoon when I'll be announcing the next single.

Now I'm off to get ready to celebrate a belated Christmas festivities with my kids.

Don't forget to follow on:

Twitter: @curransolomusic

Instagram: @curransolomusic


YouTube: Justin Curran Official

Spotify: Follow Justin Curran on Spotify

I wish you all the very best for 2020. Thank you all for a fantastic 2019!

Spread the love folks xxxx

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Flickering Candle - Christmas Single

The Flickering Candle 

The lone candle flickers in the window
As we sit down by the open fire 
Children laughing with sheer delight 
While outside I can hear the people's choir 

We're gonna spread the love through good spirit and cheer
This Christmas let's see the love hanging in the air 
We're gonna spread the love this Christmas,
Happiness and joy this Christmas let's see the love spreading everywhere 

They're singing about the end of hunger 
Spreading peace to one and all at this time of year 
Spreading words of love and happiness 
I love to hold my loved ones so near 

We're gonna spread the love through good spirit and cheer
This Christmas let's see the love hanging in the air 
We're gonna spread the love this Christmas,
Happiness and joy together 
Family celebrations everywhere 

We're gonna spread the love through good spirit and cheer
This Christmas let's see the love hanging in the air 
We're gonna spread the love this Christmas,
Happiness and joy together 
Family celebrations evenrywhere 

We're gonna spread the love through good spirit and cheer
This Christmas let's see the love hanging in the air 
We're gonna spread the love this Christmas,
Happiness and joy together 
Family celebrations everywhere 

Family celebrations everywhere 

Family celebrations everywhere 

To hear this song please click on the following link:

I wrote this song as part of the BBC Christmas Radio show in Jersey several years ago. I guess I was in a reflective mode. Christmas is always a lovely time of year, stealing Owen's song title there! I loved Christmas when I was younger. We always had a great time as a family.
 Having just gone through a divorce I was thinking how my kids would miss out on a united family Christmas. I resolved that my kids would enjoy Christmas each and every year regardless of our situation. I want them to feel the love I have for them, feel the joy that I received the moment I held each one of them for the first time ever. A reminder of the promise I made them that day, that we would create a lifetime of memories together. 

This is for:

My 3 children - Ocean, Niamh and Dylan. 

Families everywhere. 

Communities everywhere. 

You, Me, All of Us.